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How Money And Dentistry Are Related

How Money And Dentistry Are Related

– By Dr Nav Ropra. 

Money & Dentistry

Have you ever provided free treatment and regretted it?

Did you ever want something and not want to pay for it?

Want to know why its dangerous not to charge for your care?

Money is inert and has no meaning other than the one we give to it.  It is a source of currency like an electric current moving and flowing from one place to another.  Originating as a means of exchange between people, cattle and sheep were the primitive form of payment for goods and services.  Mankind’s exchange system has since evolved from heavier to lighter methods.  As communities grew, the exchange system went from coins, to gold, to paper, to cheques.  Nowadays, money is being exchanged electronically at the speed of light.  When patients pay us, it is done at the speed of light and the payment to the practice is immediate.

It is wise to let patients know from the outset the costs of treatment as well as letting them know that payment is due when services are rendered.  If patients fail to pay, then this can introduce distortions and volatility in the practice.  The dentist and team can start to become fearful of losing the money.  Meanwhile the patient may be feeling guilty about non-payment so does not contact the practice.

Have you ever done something for nothing, or expected something for nothing and regretted it?  There are reasons for this and they rest in a principle called fair exchange which is governed by nature.  In physics, the minimal unit of anything is called the Quantum.  The definition of the word Quantum means ‘how much?’, translated from the Latin word ‘quantus’.  The minimal unit of light energy is called the photon.  This unit is timeless and spaceless.  It does not occupy any time or space and has no mass or charge associated with it.

So, when a patient pays us for our dental treatments, they are effectively asking how much is that worth and here is the reward for it on a Quantum level.  If this does not happen, and there is no fair exchange, then it creates a distortion in time and space.  Time is taken for the finances to be dealt with and space is occupied in the dentist’s mind by their thoughts on the matter.

As we need to deal with a wide variety of clinical issues on a daily basis, with additional constraints, we can sometimes forget fair exchange quite easily.  Neither wanting to do something for nothing, nor wanting to receive money for doing nothing takes time to learn in practice.  We deserve to be rewarded in fair exchange for our treatments and patients deserve to receive quality treatments in return. Fair exchange is the way of the Masterful dentist.  It allows equilibrium and money is the tool which regulates this process.

If patients remind us of this principle through their dissatisfaction, it is wise to see it as a corrective feedback mechanism for the individual dentist, or the practice.

Remembering to be in fair exchange, and asking for payment when services are rendered will help the dentist and business to grow as it follows the laws of nature and equilibrium.

This is how money has evolved, our consciousness has evolved, and how money and dentistry are related.

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